A number of one thousand-dollar scholarships will be awarded each
academic year. Total number contingent upon donations and grants
to the fund by membership of the Odd Fellows and Rebekahs of New
Mexico, a minimum of one scholarship per year will be awarded.
Open to any male or female student entering their Sophomore, Junior
or Senior years (27 or more completed hours). Recipients must provide
proof of a 2.5 grade average and be a full-time student (completing
12 hours). Recipient receiving the award during their Sophomore
year must be re-apply for their Junior and Senior years, A Recipient
may receive three grants only, none is issued for graduate work.
Non-Discrimination Policy
“The Odd Fellows and Rebekahs will not discriminate against any individual on the basis of disability. The I.O.O.F. will make reasonable modifications to policies, practices, or procedures when such modifications are necessary to afford its services and facilities to individuals with disabilities, unless the modifications would fundamentally alter the nature of its services. The I.O.O.F. will not exclude any individual with a disability from full and equal enjoyment of its services and facilities, unless the individual poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others or him/herself, that cannot be eliminated by modification of policies, practices or procedures or by the provision of auxiliary aids or services. The I.O.O.F. will not exclude any individual from the full and equal enjoyment of is services and facilities because of the individuals association with a person with a disability. Any individual may request a modification in policies, practices or procedures or the provision of auxiliary aids or services by contacting The I.O.O.F.NON DISCRIMINATION POLICY REQUEST, 422 N. Trade Street, Winston Salem, NC 27101.”
The D. D. MONROE SCHOLARSHIP award is established by the Independent
Order of Oddfel1ows in memory of Past Grand Sire D. D. Monroe of
Clayton, N.M.
Award is available to any full time student (completing 12 hours
per semester). Order affiliation is not necessary however; Order
affiliation will be used in the scoring process. Each application
received will be rated as follows: a maximum of 10 points on personal
letter prepared by the applicant, a maximum of 10 points on financial
need, a maximum of 10 points on the three letters of reference
and a maximum of 10 points for ORDER AFFILIATION.
Award will be paid to recipient, one half at the start of the
academic year (during the month of August) and one half at the
start of the second semester upon presentation by recipient providing
proof of their 2.5 grade average and the completion of 12 hours
at the end of the semester.
Application forms may be downloaded here or obtained from any
Odd Fellow or Rebekah Lodge in New Mexico. The complete application
must be received by the scholarship Trustees no later than July
First of each year.
Applicant is required to submit a completed application form,
a personal letter written and prepared by the applicant, a resume
and three letters of reference.
Click Here to Download Application